Pophurdle - A privacy-based popup blocker. Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: aahomkibgllnelmhgifialfohphlfjip

Block all pop-ups and overlays to browse distraction-free.Pophurdle is your #1 solution to browsing without interruption without giving up sensitive data like the alternatives. From “disable your ad blocker” to “sign up for our mailing list,” we optimize your browsing experience by blocking all pop ups on your favorite sites.


Pophurdle supercharges your adblocker to create the ultimate web-surfing experience. We remove overlays, popunders, and disable ad block blockers that are often missed, making us the perfect booster for any ad-block configuration.

☆ We believe strongly in privacy and data anonymity, so we will NEVER sell your browsing data to a third party. This policy sets us apart from many of our competitors! ☆

You will see a notice about allowing access to your history and website data because Pophurdle runs on every tab. However, we do NOT actually monitor your browsing history or require your personal information.

We intend to release a subscription-based model on top of the free version at some point in the distant future. Hopefully, the subscription model would use our revenue to give back to your favorite publishers based on how much you visit their sites!


Privacy Policy: We only use statistical data that is provided via Google Analytics and send updates to your email which you may opt-out of at any time. We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our service (reported broken sites, how many people use the product on a weekly basis, anonymized of course). For more information, please contact us at [email protected].

Legal Disclaimer: Pophurdle does not block server-side “hard” paywalls that require payment to view content. Though we are hoping to eventually work with publishers to provide a unified solution, we block only client-side popups that are removable by the user.

v1.5.0 - Autoblocking (early stage)
v1.4.0 - Simple Notifications (Tells you when something is blocked)
v1.3.0 - Lists (Whitelist, Hardmode block list) and settings
v1.2.0 - Business side (Feedback, anonymized analytics, and landing update)
v1.1.5 - Analytics (How many popups have been blocked on a page and in total; now changing to maximize privacy as much as possible)
v1.0.1 - Hard blocking button (last release to the public before v1.5.0)
V1.0.0 - Initial release (only was edge cases)
名称 Pophurdle - A privacy-based popup blocker.
插件标识 aahomkibgllnelmhgifialfohphlfjip
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 6


作者 pophurdle
版本号 1.5.0
大小 216 KB
官网下载次数 332
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-08-20 00:00:00

