Amazon Review Request Tool Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于3年前 阅读数 96

扩展ID: akaobgcedoikjgdlbecjejhdfhdmobph

Use SellerApp’s free Amazon Review Request Tool to generate hassle-free review requests in one goFree Amazon Review Request chrome extension by SellerApp - Generate hassle-free review requests

Reviews are not optional in today’s digital world. Buyer feedback contributes to a significant part of your business reputation. It’s no secret that the product reviews are largely influencing your online sales. Often, sellers using amazon seller feedback requests are experiencing an increase in seller feedback and product review when compared to sellers who didn’t.

Therefore, listening to your buyer improves your business on a longer run.

SellerApp is with you to automate your task. With our free ‘Amazon Review Request’ tool, you can request Amazon product reviews from buyers in one go.  

How do you request for buyer feedback after delivery?

The process is simple. Here’s what you need to do.
 - Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
 - Click on our Amazon Review Request chrome extension.
 - Select the marketplace of your choice. Our extension will show you the 
   orders listed on a particular Amazon marketplace that are eligible to 
   request for review. 
 - Select the items you want to ask for product review and seller feedback. 
 - Click on the ‘Request Review.’ We will send the request review email to 
   your buyer.

Sit back and relax while your customer reviews your product. 

Points to remember while using our Amazon Review Request tool:

 * Make sure you refresh the page after logging into your Amazon seller 
   central account.
 * Our chrome extension gives you the list of products on your Amazon account 
   only. You can select the marketplace of your choice. You can see the orders 
   delivered in the past 4-30 days. 
 * Ensure that you are not sending multiple review requests for a single 

Why do you need to Request for Buyer’s Review?

At times, asking for Amazon feedback request can be daunting to most of the sellers. Proactively asking for a product review increases the scope to prevent negative feedback ratings. Requesting a product review at the right time and in the right way helps you gain positive reviews on Amazon. In a way, feedback on Amazon shows how reliable you are, as a seller. It helps potential buyers to see the experiences of other customers which enhances your product sales. Often, only a small fraction of buyers leave product reviews proactively. Asking a buyer to leave feedback on Amazon helps you boost your sales which further enhances the chances to win the Buy Box. Furthermore, it keeps your Amazon seller privileges intact.

Common FAQs

 Q- When can I generate the Amazon review request email?
 A-As per Amazon’s review request policy, you can request a review between 4- 
   30 days after the order is delivered. 

 Q- What are the marketplaces do SellerApp’s Amazon Review Request work?
 A- It works for marketplaces including the US, India, Australia, UK, Canada, 
    Germany, Japan, France, Italy, and Spain. 

 Q- How many orders can we select at once? 
 A- Once you click select all, you can ask for all the product reviews for the 
    orders that are delivered in the past 4-30 days. 

 Q- Can you customize the review request email template?
 A- No, you cannot customize the amazon product review request email template 
    using our tool. The email is generated by Amazon.
 Q- Does Amazon Review Request chrome extension require any additional 
 A- No. You only need to sign-in to your Amazon seller central account and 
    select the marketplace of your choice to process review requests.

For more details or any queries regarding the Amazon Review Request chrome extension, contact [email protected].
名称 Amazon Review Request Tool
插件标识 akaobgcedoikjgdlbecjejhdfhdmobph
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 38

作者 sellerapp-dev
版本号 1.0.16
大小 276 KB
官网下载次数 2000
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-07-05 00:00:00