Search Date Changer Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 3

扩展ID: bbnomnjfdibkpkbnhfbomeccmgldlico

This extension enables to add 'Publish date option' to Google search results URL and re-search by just oneclick.[DESCRIPTION]

This 'Search Date Changer'(or 'SDC') chrome extension
enables you to change Google search result date range

When you searched some words by Google, SDC icon is on the
OmniBox(or as known as URL box).  By clicking the icon, you
can change your Google search results with specified date
range.  SDC icon will be just only for Google Web search,
News search, Video search, and Books search.

Every icon clicking, search range changes in the order 'Any
time', 'Past hour', 'Past 24 hours', 'Past week', 'Past month',
and 'Past year'.  If you'd like to know what the icon means,
please put your mouse cursor on the icon and tool-tip shows
current mode.

You can select SDC mode from Chrome extensions option menu.
With clicking right mouse button on SDC icon or from
Google chrome extension menu, you can see SDC's option

Please check 'Enable' check-box for your preferred behavior.
If you check 'Force user setting for any search' check box
and Google search result date range does not match the one
you select as 'Enable', SDC tries to re-search again with
search result date range which you check as 'Enabled'
automatically.  To select search result date range for this
automatic selection, 'Default' option will be used.


All source code will be available from:


version 1.6.0(Jun 17, 2013):
- Update Google Chrome Extensions Manifet to V2.
- Update jQuery to 2.0.2.
名称 Search Date Changer
插件标识 bbnomnjfdibkpkbnhfbomeccmgldlico
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 19

作者 Nobuyoshi.Miyokawa
版本号 1.6.0
大小 66.89 KB
官网下载次数 390
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2013-06-17 00:00:00