Malware Anti Virus Scan Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 68

扩展ID: cdkcmkenebafoehobbocmhpibkhbkhme

You this virus scan app to scan files and urls. This virus scan antivirus app will help you find malware affected files and urls.…You this virus scan app to scan files and urls. This virus scan antivirus app will help you find malware affected files and urls. Scan files before you download them by scaning their download links. 

This is the best way to make sure you don't download or visit any virus affected file or site. This app helps you virus scan file and urls from 40+ anti virus malware libraries. It protects you from malware attacks and keeps your system free from malwares.

Steps for Virus Scan  
1). Click on the virus scan extenion icon.
2). Upload the file or enter url you wish to scan.
3). Wait for some time while the app is scanning file.
4). Click on show report to check result for each antivirus from a list of 64 antiviruses.
5). Enjoy Virus free internet and computing.

Note: This extension is a shortcut button to online virus scan webapp.
名称 Malware Anti Virus Scan
插件标识 cdkcmkenebafoehobbocmhpibkhbkhme
平台 Chrome
评分 4.76
评分人数 21

作者 priyalivelovelaugh6
版本号 0.1
大小 48.68 KB
官网下载次数 636
更新时间 2018-01-12 00:00:00