Evergreen Notes (for Notion) Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: chhpogndpjcgjbnbcodhdnilklfanmfh

Evergreen Notes for notionEvergreen Notes for Notion!  This is an sidebar extension for Notion that is meant to make it easier to use notion as a personal knowledge base!.  The main object was to show you your backlinks and references (based on your current page title's search) ala roam / obsidian.


# References: Shows Backlinks, relations and references
The extension has a floating button that shows a side panel as shown in the gallery. You can view the backlinks, relations and references to the current note.  Also view other pages without leaving your context.

# Page Markups:  The extension also allows you to view highlights and other **Page Markups** in your current page such as:
- highlights
- code
- quotes
- mentions

# Search Panel:  The last feature it has is a persistent **search.**  
This way you can search your notes and look for related topics and open them up without loosing context.

# View block details: 
You can view block contents and see their details in the side panel.
- open links to notes in a new tab
- copy global blocks (or embed blocks)
- copy block links

NOTE:  This extension uses the nonofficial API which may break if Notion decides to change it.  Hopefully with a release of a API in the future, this will become more stable.  Please feel free to report bugs at [email protected]

Updates: v2.1
- updated sidebar ui styles to look more consistent and clean
- sidebar frame takes up space beside notion
- markup now only show the correct segments for links, highlights, code
- performance improvements

Future Development:
  - configuration for highlights
  - Show notifications, dates, events and comments

Possible Monetization with a inexpensive pro subscription:
I had an idea to monetize some new features for an inexpensive subscription of $1-2/month
  - creating flash cards
  - Quickly creating notes in a predefined table while staying in the same page
  - Keeping track of reminders
  - A calendar and notification overall notification system
  - more tbd ....
名称 Evergreen Notes (for Notion)
插件标识 chhpogndpjcgjbnbcodhdnilklfanmfh
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 6

作者 Evergreen Software
版本号 2.1.6
大小 394 KB
官网下载次数 313
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-11-18 00:00:00
