Mini JS Console Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 92

扩展ID: dkebpeehodefnopcpggkdgeljadommmm

Mini JS console that track console logs and detect JS errors/alerts and show them via Chrome notificationsNew in this version:

Detect file not found and add error sources to the mini console.


This extension will help you to debug your website easily by having access to console logs, and getting notifications for your custom logs, errors and any warnings/alerts! 

it will help client-side developers to debug JS code easier by:

1. Show Mini JS-console to check latest console logs from the extension.

2. Detect JS errors and Show chrome notifications for logs/errors/warnings/alerts, it can be enabled on development domains only or all domains.

3. Disable Cache option  to clear dev cache files without opening Chrome DevTools (only works if domain is enabled).

4. Execute simple JS expressions/global variables.

Other Utilities:

1. Clear cache every time page refreshed.

2. Load jQuery / Underscore libs to the page to be used in the console.

3. Disable Alerts popups.

All Features :

- Preserve logs after page reloaded.

- Disable notifications option: Alerts, Warnings or Errors gloabally.


* New: `Don't show again` option in the notification menu.
* New: Custom $log option in your code using: 

window.$JSC && $JSC.log(`test`);

* Disable any notification if it repeated quickly!

* Show unread count for notifications when they fired.

* Enable/Disable extension using Global 'Active' Switch.

* Copy notification output in chrome notification popup.

* Enable/Disable Notifications on specific dev domains only.

* Enable/Disable all notifications using Global 'Show Notifications' Switch.

* Enable/Disable detailed stack in chrome DevTools via 'Enable Log Stack' Switch.

To use on local pages you will need to enable the "allow access to file URLs" option in your extensions tab

If you have any questions or wish to report a bug please use the 'Support' link in the Details tab above.
名称 Mini JS Console
插件标识 dkebpeehodefnopcpggkdgeljadommmm
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 11

作者 Qusai Tabbal
版本号 1.3.0
大小 902 KB
官网下载次数 2000
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-10-19 00:00:00