Chameleon Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于3年前 阅读数 44

扩展ID: dmpojjilddefgnhiicjcmhbkjgbbclob

Allow to run extensions from Opera add-onsChameleon is a popular Chrome extension with more than 1 000 000 users, which allows running extensions from Opera.
It's useful to note that Chameleon has advanced performance, privacy, and security-focused extension that makes it easy to install plugins from Opera into Chrome.
The Chameleon browser extension supports automatic updates for Opera and Chrome add-ons. Updates are checked automatically in the background. Alternatively, you can run a manual check for updates on the Chameleon settings page.
It only takes a minute to install the extension, try it!
名称 Chameleon
插件标识 dmpojjilddefgnhiicjcmhbkjgbbclob
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 759

版本号 1.8.7
大小 523 KB
官网下载次数 1000000
更新时间 2020-10-14 00:00:00
