Drivvvel : Real feedback on Dribbble Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 98

扩展ID: eiihlbfgemlhfjaopckeoepklgbkpdpc

Let's free Dribbble from bloated comments and drivel, shall we?Tired of bloated comments on Dribbble? Let's focus on »real« feedback and make it harder for spammers to get attention.

--- How it works ---
Install the extension and forget it. It will analyse any given Dribbble post page in the background and use a combination of keywords and comment length to determine if the comment contains proper feedback. It will then show you how many comments have been hidden above the comment section. By clicking this number you can reveal them again.

More than 50% of comments on Dribbble are useless. This extension effectively removes 95% of them. It will make a VERY clear difference! Yes, of course you can cheat it, but then you're really just trying too hard and I think it would be easier to just write a proper comment, wouldn't it? :)

If you find any bugs or have a request please tweet it to me @staus_me

名称 Drivvvel : Real feedback on Dribbble
插件标识 eiihlbfgemlhfjaopckeoepklgbkpdpc
平台 Chrome
评分 3.67
评分人数 3


作者 www.staus.me
版本号 1.0
大小 43.73 KB
官网下载次数 15
更新时间 2014-03-19 00:00:00
