TikFast - Free Video Downloader Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于1年前 阅读数 77

扩展ID: enbpgklkminalibdialjfpkfejckhpfd

Video Downloader is a powerful tool capable of batch downloading videos without watermarks from some popular video platforms.With TikFast, you can download videos and music of video from some popular video platforms to your device with one click e.g. tik tok ( Gradually we will cover more popular video platforms ).

‒ Download videos without watermark
       No watermark for better quality that most tools can't.
‒ Download  music as MP3
       Supports users to download music of video as MP3
‒ Free
       TikFast is always free.
‒ Batch download or bulk download
       Supports users to download multiple MP3 and videos without a watermark at the same time.
名称 TikFast - Free Video Downloader
插件标识 enbpgklkminalibdialjfpkfejckhpfd
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 15


版本号 1.0.13
大小 2.93 MB
官网下载次数 2000
更新时间 2022-07-30 00:00:00