AngularJS Inspect Watchers Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 65

扩展ID: gdfcinoagafkodbnkjemaajfahnmfkhg

Inspect the scope watchers of an Angular appA Chrome extension that lets the user inspect the number of Angular watchers that exist on any element of an Angular app.

***** 4/20/2015 Update! 
I just released v1.0.0 of the extension, which moves the extension from a Browser Action to a Page Action (icon appears in the address bar). A Page Action is more appropriate for this extension because the features only makes sense for a few web pages, those with AngularJS running.

Once installed, navigate to your Angular app and click the Page Action in the address bar to activate the extension. Then, hover your mouse over different sections of your Angular application to see the scopes and watchers highlighted in red. Click the Page Action again to deactivate.

It is a well known fact that as the number of watchers in an Angular app increases, the digest cycle performance decreases. In Angular 1.3, anything over 2,000 watchers will dramatically effect performance. This extension can help you easily monitor the number of watchers you are adding.

I don't see the Page Action! What do I do? --> Ng Inspect Watchers can only be used on AngularJS apps that have debug info enabled. If you navigate to any web page that is either not an AngularJS app, or does not have debug info enabled, you will not be able to use the extension. 

How do I enable debug info? --> The extension relies on the presence of `.ng-scope` and `.ng-isolate-scope` CSS class names. If you have run `$compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false);` on your app, it won't work. To get the classes back, you can run `angular.reloadWithDebugInfo();` in the console and try again. See for more info.
名称 AngularJS Inspect Watchers
插件标识 gdfcinoagafkodbnkjemaajfahnmfkhg
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 24

作者 Ryan Oglesby
版本号 1.0.1
大小 34.69 KB
官网下载次数 6000
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2015-07-26 00:00:00
