Gooder Bitbucket PRs Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于5年前 阅读数 34

扩展ID: gdkiikbhokcgaofkkjinfilmachkkhen

Bring some goodness to Bitbucket Cloud PRs!This extension adds some polish to Bitbucket Cloud PRs, to help make your PR life easier.


* Convert file list to tree view
* Apply color styling to file diffs
* Remove ins/del -/+ gutter characters
* Expand / Collapse files (OPTION-CLICK to toggle all)
* Collapse DELETED files by default
* Collapse lock files by default (package-json.js, yarn.lock)
* Make file headers sticky to help with long files
* Mark files as done via checkbox to keep track of reviewed/unreviewed files (OPTION-CLICK to mark all)
* Hide/Show comments to help view changes and reduce review noise
* Hide/Show deletions to help view only additive changes


* COMMAND + "/" (for windows use WINDOWS KEY + "/") to jump to top of file tree.
* COMMAND + ENTER ( for windows use WINDOWS KEY + ENTER) to jump to next unreviewed file.
* OPTION-Click file headers to toggle expand/collapse all
* OPTION-Click file header checkboxes to toggle review/un-reviewed all




* performance improvements (switch from polling DOM to MutationObservers)
* enhance review workflow - OPTION+Click checkboxes for all
* auto-collapse large lock files
* auto jump to tree after checking file as reviewed

* add support for merge conflicts

* replace -|+ gutters with space rather than empty string, was causing indentation problems
* add two new options to bottom of tree:
   * Hide Comments ~ hide all comments temporarily so you can just focus on changes
   * Hide Deletions ~ hide all deleted files and deletion areas in diff, useful for just focussing on whats added
* Updated key mappings:
   * Option + Click file header to toggle all (was SHIFT previously but caused text selection weirdness)
   * Command + "/" (forward slash) to jump to top of tree (was Command + HOME previously but better for laptop keyboards this way)
名称 Gooder Bitbucket PRs
插件标识 gdkiikbhokcgaofkkjinfilmachkkhen
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 1

作者 achamas
版本号 1.3.0
大小 33.46 KB
官网下载次数 14
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-08-30 00:00:00

