CSS Grid Overlay Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于5年前 阅读数 38

扩展ID: hajfilceeneohkmcakehndmaeonhlack

Easily check the grid alignment of your page across breakpoints.Supports multiples breakpoints and the usual grid values (gutters, columns, max width, etc).

Configurations can easily be saved and shared among team members as json objects.

Example conf: 

    "columns": 4,
    "margins": 16, // px before and after the first and last column
    // these gutters work like margins: 
    // if distance between columns is 32px, gutters are 16
    "gutters": 16, 
    "from": 0, // start of breakpoint in px
    // Optional values
    // "to": 599, end of breakpoint in px
    // grid will be centered after this maxWidth in px
    // otherwise it'll be full width
    // "maxWidth": 1440, 
    // if you want to move the grid 
    // (e.g. in a style guide with a left sidebar
    // you'd use offsetLeft to push the grid to the right
    // "offsetTop": 0,
    // "offsetRight": 0,
    // "offsetBottom": 0,
    // "offsetLeft": 0,
    // "backgroundColors": {
    //   "columns": "rgba(234, 23, 140, .3)",
    //   "gutters": "rgba(0, 231, 255, .3)",
    //   "margins": "rgba(0, 191, 165, .3)"
    // }
名称 CSS Grid Overlay
插件标识 hajfilceeneohkmcakehndmaeonhlack
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 3


作者 imagentleman
版本号 8
大小 180 KB
官网下载次数 3000
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-02-05 00:00:00
