EtsyProbe: Perfect your Etsy SEO Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于3年前 阅读数 98

扩展ID: heennpfhmkdppodmdbphmlmkkekgpgpj

EtsyProbe is the ultimate precision tool for Etsy SEO research and perfecting your Etsy Listing's SEO.EtsyProbe is a time saving precision tool for Etsy SEO. 

Its the quickest and most advanced tool for SEO related competition research and for perfecting your Listing's SEO rank. With a single click, you'll get an instant rank for any listing, including the most complete analysis currently available in such form.

What is it exactly?

EtsyProbe is a Chrome Extension that, once added to your Chrome browser, will instantly generate an SEO report on any Etsy Listing with a single click.

This app does not require any password, and you don’t even have to be logged in into Etsy to use it. It does not manipulate or edit anything in Etsy – it only reads the data available and analyzes it.

EtsyProbe’s goal is to help you maximize your productivity and help you be as effective at optimizing your Listings as you could be, at least from an SEO standpoint.

On top of the generated Report, the Probe will calculate a rank for the Listing (0-100) based on multiple criterias, such as, tag count, tag usage, product description readability, title’s structure, links, faq and more.

This would allow you to quickly assess and improve your Listings SEO, make sure your shop is on top of the SEO game, and as a bonus, see what’s your competition is doing.

Sounds great! How do I use it?

That’s easy! Simply install it in your Chrome Browser by following this link. Once its installed, head to any Etsy Listing and click on the Probe’s icon at the top of your browser.
名称 EtsyProbe: Perfect your Etsy SEO
插件标识 heennpfhmkdppodmdbphmlmkkekgpgpj
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 4

作者 Pocket Rocket
版本号 1.1.35
大小 28.76 KB
官网下载次数 254
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-08-12 00:00:00