Optimizely Assistant Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 48

扩展ID: hkmpnondmidmfdlaphahbalnmphelnfo

Debug your Optimizely experiments with useful JavaScript console logging and powerful caching and snippet injection options.This extension reads Optimizely JavaScript data and state for any snippet that you have access to in your Optimizely account. Visit the website your snippet is installed on and it prints useful debugging information to the JavaScript console. The messages include information about what experiments are running on the page and what experiment and variation you are currently bucketed into.

The extension also enables you to use a non-cached version of your Optimizely snippet or even swap to use a different snippet you own on that page. These are useful tools for reducing wait time when debugging and trying out staging content on a production site.

Here are the steps to setup the extension:
 - Turn on the extension by clicking on the Optimizely logo to the right of the address bar.
 - Login to your Optimizely account when prompted. This fetches the list of projects and snippets you have permission to view with the extension.
 - Open the Chrome JavaScript console to see the messages.
    - On Windows and Linux, press Control-Shift-J.
    - On Mac, press Command-Option-J.
 - Navigate to a site where your snippet is installed to see the console log populate with Optimizely information.

The terms of the applicable agreement between you and Optimizely (including the online terms of service located at the following URL, https://www.optimizely.com/terms/ ) shall govern your access, installation and/or usage of this Optimizely Assistant Extension. 

You can learn more about the extension in our Knowledge Base at https://help.optimizely.com/QA_Campaigns_and_Experiments/The_Optimizely_Chrome_extension.
名称 Optimizely Assistant
插件标识 hkmpnondmidmfdlaphahbalnmphelnfo
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 4

作者 Optimizely
版本号 2.12.0
大小 525 KB
官网下载次数 5000
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-05-20 00:00:00