Email Tracking for Gmail and Inbox Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 73

扩展ID: hnfaongeapihekiehojkaokmcamccgae

Unlimited email tracking for free. Send an email, see when someone opens it.MailFox offers unlimited email tracking and read receipts for Gmail and Google Inbox. 

Send an email and watch the green checkmarks light up when your email gets read. 

- See which of your emails have been read (and when!)
- Configured fine-grained tracking settings at

Your privacy is guaranteed - MailFox never stores or transfers your emails, your privacy is guaranteed. 

Track emails from multiple google accounts.  Get notified in real time when your email is read.
名称 Email Tracking for Gmail and Inbox
插件标识 hnfaongeapihekiehojkaokmcamccgae
平台 Chrome
评分 5
评分人数 1

作者 MailFox
版本号 1.0.6
大小 2.48 MB
官网下载次数 15
更新时间 2017-05-31 00:00:00