Serenity Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 22

扩展ID: jjkogedofmnmlgfcnakdjbgbcbhdakob

Replace your new tab with a minimalistic homepage featuring some of the most beautiful words in the English language.Are you getting sick of that same old boring default new tab page in Chrome? Hey, me too! That's why I created this extension, to freshen up the default page and add some beautiful scenery and words. 

'But what about links to my most visited sites? I can't be without that!'
No worries! I got you covered, fam. In the upper left corner of the page there is an eye icon, if you click on it a list will appear with your most visited sites so that you can quickly get access to your favorite websites. Nifty, huh?

If you rather prefer having inspirational quotes shown on your new tab I got you covered aswell. Quotes New Tab is my first new tabs extension featuring motivational quotes from famous people. Follow the link below to check it out!
名称 Serenity
插件标识 jjkogedofmnmlgfcnakdjbgbcbhdakob
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 8

作者 Emil Carlsson
版本号 0.10
大小 19.51 MB
官网下载次数 150
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2016-04-27 00:00:00
