Scratchpad Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于5年前 阅读数 11

扩展ID: khkjjphjlmjloplmcmpphalnlboajeha

A notepad with autosave, sync, file export, and themes• Auto-save

Changes will be saved about 2 seconds after your last edit, even if you've closed the popup. The sync process may take a few minutes to complete and is not designed to enable concurrent editing on multiple computers

• Special commands

Ctrl+Enter: Insert a new section heading
Ctrl+Shift+Enter: Insert the date and time as a section heading

Ctrl+S: Save the notepad text to disk
Ctrl+Shift+S: Save selected text within the notepad

These commands are also available in a context menu within the popup, and the Save to Disk option is available in the toolbar icon's context menu

• Themes and Size

Themes and font size can be selected via the toolbar icon's context menu

• Unsaved changes indicator

A red dot will be displayed in the toolbar icon whilst changes are waiting to be saved

• Storage size

The notepad extends to 7,000 bytes, which is enough for 7,000 letters from the Latin alphabet but fewer if you use Korean, Cyrillic or other such characters. You will be notified if the notepad is too large, but excess characters will not be saved

• Icon credit

The notepad icon is in the public domain and available from

• Changelog

2.1.1 2019-02-21
Maintenance update for changes to Chrome's handling of data-URIs and its permissions/security model.
名称 Scratchpad
插件标识 khkjjphjlmjloplmcmpphalnlboajeha
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 2

作者 Mythical 5th
版本号 2.1.1
大小 426 KB
官网下载次数 413
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-02-20 00:00:00
