Quora Marketing Tool - Q-Stats Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: kiobaaahafliibpjmfngkcbgogkbfcen

Get free Quora marketing insights for every question on Quora.Follow consumer traffic and key metrics for any question on Q&A websites like Quora, including Opportunity ranking, Total views, Monthly views, Related topics, and more. 

Powered by Q-Answers, Q-Stats will navigate you through Q&A websites like Quora and help place you into the conversations of your target audience.  

You can help prospective customers in real-time across Quora to get more exposure for your brand, products and services.

With Q-stats, you can immediately notify us if there’s a conversation you’d like to join. Do you see a question that you want to answer or a comment you’d like to respond to? We have your back. 

Our talented content team knows the ins-and-outs of marketing on Q&A websites like Quora and is excited to assist you in your prosperous journey. 


Opportunity Ranking
Don’t waste your time. Our deeply integrated algorithm gives you a rating from 1-5 stars about the potential opportunity in answering a question. 

Total Views 
See how many people viewed the question since it was published. 

See how many people responded to the question you're interested in.

Related Topics
Recognize the other topics that your potential clients may be interested in. 

Avg. Monthly Views 
Understand question trends by knowing the avg. monthly views. 

Grasp the popularity of a question and see how many people follow it. 

Add to my list 
Click on the ‘add it to my list’ button and the questions will be saved on a Google spreadsheet with all the  questions stats. 

Learn how to write a good answer 
Don’t know much about answering questions on Q&A sites like Quora but want to be a professional? The extension includes a link to our awesome blog post about answering questions effectively - you can find it under ‘How to write a good answer’
名称 Quora Marketing Tool - Q-Stats
插件标识 kiobaaahafliibpjmfngkcbgogkbfcen
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 12


作者 netanel
版本号 1.1.7
大小 335 KB
官网下载次数 696
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-10-08 00:00:00