Reply to comments, like & send msg for FB™ Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于3年前 阅读数 22

扩展ID: kklghkpgeflkndngggdfahibjmedgfcg

Script elaborates all comments on FB page or group: like, invite, reply and send a private message to everyone who comments! Best.MAX: This is the best version to elaborate comments on your business or fan page or in the Facebook group. Check website for cheaper versions with less features.

If something is not working, just send us an email, we answer in max 8 hours!:) Sometimes Facebook changes something but we fix that quick for free, always. ;)

NEW 2020: New Fb design, Creator Studio and new Publishing Tools tab are suported. We will fix if Facebook will do more changes. All updates are always included and free, we maintain this script since 2017.

What it can:
- Like all comments.
- Invite people who liked comments (posted by page) to follow that page.
- Auto-reply on comments publicly.
- Send private messages to people, who comment on your posts in last 7 days.
There are a lot of settings and more settings are added by request.

Very intuitive, just run the extension. See video example or try it, because if you don't like it:

✩ 30 days - Money Back Guarantee! ✩
Do you want to pay once a month? Check here:
PayPal payment? Visit our website!

All future updates and new things are included for free.

Price not available error? Unable to purchase? Change your country in settings OR buy using PayPal:

✉ For any question/feedback/problem/suggestion: contact me at [email protected] ✉

Find more info on our website:

Copyright note: Facebook™ is a registered trademark of Facebook Inc. This extension is neither endorsed by or affiliated with Facebook.
名称 Reply to comments, like & send msg for FB™
插件标识 kklghkpgeflkndngggdfahibjmedgfcg
平台 Chrome
评分 5
评分人数 21

作者 LikeInviter
版本号 2020.08.14
大小 214 KB
官网下载次数 220
更新时间 2020-08-15 00:00:00