Listen Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 54

扩展ID: kkncmmeidbdkjfehnmfhaincajcabamo

Text to speech app for listening to any website at the click of a buttonListen is a text to speech chrome extension for hearing the text on any website. At the click of a button, the website your using's text is generated and played through the tts-api. Another feature the Listen app has is the ability to read pdf pages (beta). This feature is in beta and somewhat delicate for production, so try not to read pdf websites more than 5-10 pages long. For developers reading this, the source code is hosted on Github (url below). Enjoy...

Website ->

* Can be used on all websites (HTTP/HTTPS) 
This means that all websites with the HTTP/HTTPS protocol will be able to be read. (Technically all websites)

* Plays in background
Even when you leave the chrome popup module, the audio will still play. This being said, you can easily stop the audio by opening the popup again, pause it, and then press stop.

* Can read PDFs (beta)
It can easily read all PDFs, but it may take longer to load (a few minutes) if the PDF is more than 5-10 pages long.

* Simple user interface
All you have to do is press play, pause, and stop. Listen does the rest for you.

* Open source (Github)
For developers, the source code is available under the MIT License on Github (url below).

* Clear voice
An easy to understand computerized voice.

---Contact & Websites---
* Developer (Me): Jared Wright (
* Email: [email protected]
* Twitter: @jawerty
* Github:

Website for Listen ->
名称 Listen
插件标识 kkncmmeidbdkjfehnmfhaincajcabamo
平台 Chrome
评分 1
评分人数 2

作者 jawerty
大小 698 KB
官网下载次数 404
更新时间 2013-05-29 00:00:00