NOC Zone Server Monitoring Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: nlbikipohdepkffnnhcplbmcnndikkpe

Server monitoring and notifications right to your browser. https://noczone.comChrome Extension for website checker and server monitoring tool.

Whenever your server goes down, you will receive push notifications from right into your browser (or Android/iPhone) 

If you are looking for a website checker, server ping tool or host monitor application then NOCZone server monitor if for you! 
It is also available for Android and iPhone for whenever you are not on your desk :

What Is NOC Zone?
NOC Zone is an online service that will keep you updated regarding any fault you are facing with your servers and websites. it is a website checker

How It Works?
NOC Zone -works server side- pokes your server's protocols from multiple locations to gather data regarding connection. NOC Zone analyze the gathered data and generates useful information for you.

Information NOC Zone Generates
Gathered data from your server, generates useful information giving a full detailed response time report and corresponding uptime percentage, server downtime in seconds and protocol connection availability.

Instant Alerts
NOC Zone will keep you updated with any changes regarding the status of the monitored protocols through mobile notifications (cloud messages). We also offer an SDK that allows you to send customized notifications from your server to your device.

Handling All Protocols?
NOC Zone can handle monitoring any type of protocol. Using NOC Zone protocol builder you can add any port over UDP and TCP and NOC Zone will analyze the received data, as well as receive notification and reports regarding the built protocol (custom protocol).
名称 NOC Zone Server Monitoring
插件标识 nlbikipohdepkffnnhcplbmcnndikkpe
平台 Chrome
评分 4.33
评分人数 3

作者 NOC Zone
版本号 1.5.0
大小 827 KB
官网下载次数 60
更新时间 2014-05-02 00:00:00