Missofis Request Interceptor Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于3年前 阅读数 17

扩展ID: npjcklbcofihajkojjldmebgfaljackc

A browser extension to intercept HTTP requestsRedirect HTTP requests with simple hosts file-like syntax, block website images with string matches.

Missofis Request Interceptor is a request interceptor for those who simply want to redirect a public URL to a local one. Think it is as an enhanced hosts file right under your browser toolbar.


The extension comes with two features, "redirections" and "matches". 

- Redirections are simple URL rewrites. If you add "localhost:3000/my-local-script.js example.com/my-live-script.js" line to the redirections then "https://example.com/my-live-script.js" will be rewritten as "https://localhost:3000/my-local-script.js". With the same logic, you may redirect a complete remote folder to a local one.
- Matches are different. They are plain request blockers. Provide a URL match like "cdn.example.com/assets/img" and all image request to those assets folder will be blocked.
- Syntax for redirections is "localhost:3000/my-local-script.js example.com/my-live-script.js". Two space separated strings separated with any number of spaces.
- Syntax for mathces is "cdn.example.com/assets/img". A single string to match image URLs.
- Comments are welcome with lines starting with # symbol.

What you can't do:

- You can't edit HTTP headers
- No regex support
- You can't top Content-Security-Policy response headers


- This is a developer tool for experienced users. Redirections may result in catastrophes. So if you're not an experienced user, please consider not using this extension or get some help from someone.
- Avoid generic matchers like "my-local" "example.com". This extension is developed to debug a remote script with a local development environment. Nothing more than that. Generic matchers may also result "too many redirections" errors to be thrown by browsers.
- This tool is not an ad blocker.
名称 Missofis Request Interceptor
插件标识 npjcklbcofihajkojjldmebgfaljackc
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 Kemal Yılmaz
版本号 1.1.0
大小 30.34 KB
官网下载次数 2
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-11-03 00:00:00
