Facebook Disable Floating Videos Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 39

扩展ID: oicoekbhcpclcdjepcgcdlppjkglcbop

This will disable those annoying floating videos on facebookFacebook has a feature now where clicking off of a popup video sends it to a smaller video that you can move around. Typically if you click off a video it means you're no longer interested in it and it does it even if you've already watched the entire video. Personally to me this is super annoying so I made this extension to automatically remove the video. Hopefully someday Facebook will give you the option to disable this. You can still use their little popout icon on the video itself if you want to watch and scroll.

Version 1.4:
- Press escape to quickly close the floating video if it does appear
- Now closes popups that appear after scrolling the original video off screen (popout button will be blue when playing the video)
- Clicking the "popout" button directly will still allow the video to float
名称 Facebook Disable Floating Videos
插件标识 oicoekbhcpclcdjepcgcdlppjkglcbop
平台 Chrome
评分 1.67
评分人数 15

作者 jrj2211
版本号 1.4
大小 5.49 KB
官网下载次数 440
更新时间 2017-03-11 00:00:00