Hasten - Amazon Workflow & Arbitrage Tool Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 42

扩展ID: pakfibocpaafgjeobinolbfdckhfjfih

The must-have tool for Amazon power users: Adds new data, links, filters and more to Offers pages, assisting both buyers and sellersHasten helps you make faster and better-informed decisions when buying or selling products on Amazon, saving you time and money.

• ADVANCED FILTERING: Filter offers by price, arrival date, or seller rating. Hide listings from specific sellers. Set defaults. Load additional pages just by scrolling.

• CUSTOMIZE EVERYTHING: Hasten works for both buyers and sellers, easily adjusting to every workflow and business model for unmatched flexibility.

• DATA WHERE YOU NEED IT: See the latest rank, low prices, trade value, Buy Box details, and offer counts by for each condition and fulfillment channel (FBA or merchant-fulfilled) at the top of the Product or Offers page for rapid sourcing and manual repricing.

• ESSENTIAL LINKS: Find new versions or past purchases without visiting the Product page. Check inventory levels and past sales with a single click.

• ASIN HIT LIST: Create lists of ASINs for special treatment. Get notified every time you view a matching product.

• RESTRICTION CHECK: Identify restricted items instantly, especially valuable for books and other online flips.

• TIME-SAVING REDIRECTS: Temporarily redirect Product page links to the corresponding Offers page as needed.

Hasten is compatible with all major arbitrage and related software. Currently available for .com and .ca marketplaces only.

Try Hasten absolutely FREE for 10 days, with an extremely low monthly subscription fee thereafter.
名称 Hasten - Amazon Workflow & Arbitrage Tool
插件标识 pakfibocpaafgjeobinolbfdckhfjfih
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 4


作者 agdigitalllc
版本号 1.2.9
大小 647 KB
官网下载次数 127
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-05-23 00:00:00