App Maker - Make an App Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 5

扩展ID: pfiiehjinkddkpdbblgcjgnogmnlophp

Build Android and iOS apps quickly and without writing a single line of code.The leading DIY App Maker for iOS and Android. Build an App in minutes with AppInstitute’s free online app maker. Drag and drop modules make it easy to build your own app for salons, restaurants, bars, clubs, cafe’s, coffee shops and more.  With hundreds of professionally designed templates your app gets to stand out from the crowd. No coding required. 

Features include:

Push notifications
Geo Fencing
App analytics
Reservations / bookings

We help you to get your app published.

What others say about AppInstitute’s App Maker Platform:

"Just had a look at the App - fantastic! You have exceeded my expectations!"Kay Toon, Chartered Psychologist"
I'm blown away by how powerful and user-friendly your app design tool is. It's very well laid out and organised. Great work!"Melanie Carpenter, Restaurant Owner"

Support and ease of use:

Create an App in less than 20 minutes with easy to follow steps, tutorials and in-app explainer videos.
 AppInstitute also offers award winning support through our support centre, online support and telephone support. With a wide variety of business templates to choose from you can customise your App to suit your business needs perfectly. 
With more than 20.000 customers that rely on our App Maker to make their own Apps we offer all the functionality you could ever need through our easy to use platform. You can build an App free of charge, we also offer variety of plans which you can view on
名称 App Maker - Make an App
插件标识 pfiiehjinkddkpdbblgcjgnogmnlophp
平台 Chrome
评分 3.67
评分人数 3

作者 analytics
版本号 1.0
大小 75.27 KB
官网下载次数 558
更新时间 2017-02-21 00:00:00