Simple Translate 相关Chrome插件扩展crx下载推荐

  • Translate - Translator, Dictionary, TTS

    <p>Accurate translate words, phrases and texts using Google Translate. Full page translator, diction...
  • Translater

    <p>add esc; write pop</p><p>按t翻译,网页上直接展示 exc取消翻译 更加方便,使用大模型,ai 0612 - 添...
  • Allow right click - simple copy

    Unblocks right click menu, highlight and copy for all pagesUnblock Context Menu and Select, Allow se...
  • Simple Price Alerts

    Create price alerts / price trakers with a single click on main e-commerce websites.Simple and easy!...
  • Material Simple Dark Grey

    A simple, darker grey theme with a fully dark header and header bar. A simple, darker grey theme wi...
  • Visio translate interpreters

    Stream speaker voice to participants in Google Meet, Microsoft Teams and Webex platforms.This extens...
  • Auto Translate for YouTube™ captions

    This extension will activate the auto-translate feature of YouTube™ automatically, even if it&#39;s...
  • Simple Assistant

    Automate some aspects of SimpleMMOThis plugin assists you in many aspects of SimpleMMO: * Travel ass...
  • Simple Apps Launcher

    Launch Chrome apps using a fancy popup. Reorder them as you like.Try the new extension to engagement...
  • Material Design for Simplenote

    Change the Simplenote web app interface to a Material Design visual style.This extension enables a M...
  • Simple Color Picker

    Extract colors from webpages in one click简单的颜色选择器是一个工具,可以帮助你从网页中提取颜色。 你...
  • Simple Translator

    Press Ctrl key &amp; select the texts, the extension will translate them to the target language. 按...
  • Simple Extension

    Let each website can save/switch cookies, switch User-AgentSwitch User-Agent Custom User-Agent Edito...
  • SimpleJI 密院选课网简化

    密西根学院选课网简化插件It is a Chrome extension to simplify the button of UM-SJTU JI course-chosen...
  • Translate2CN

    该扩展通过调用谷歌翻译,将其他语言翻译为中文。 操作步骤: 1.在浏览窗口中选中要翻译的文本。 2.按下快...
