simple copy 相关Chrome插件扩展crx下载推荐

  • CopyPro

    Allow for multi-copy and pasteDo you ever need to copy multiple words or phrases at once? With CopyP...
  • Simple Apps Launcher

    Launch Chrome apps using a fancy popup. Reorder them as you like.Try the new extension to engagement...
  • Copy X

    可以处理数据的剪贴板Copy X 是一个可以处理数据的剪贴板应用,持久保存您复制的文字信息。功能大致如下:...
  • Material Design for Simplenote

    Change the Simplenote web app interface to a Material Design visual style.This extension enables a M...
  • CTRL-F-Freedom + Right-Click COPY Liberator

    Your keys are yours. They can't hijack your control S TAB ALT shift T W A CMD Copy Paste Hotkey...
  • Azure Commit Copy

    Copy a Git commit ID, build version, and their Azure URLs with a single click!Scrape data from an Az...
  • Enable Spreadsheet Copy

    Allow selecting, copying, pasting and right clicking in some restricted sheets.Sheet Copier opens a...
  • Simple Color Picker

    Extract colors from webpages in one click简单的颜色选择器是一个工具,可以帮助你从网页中提取颜色。 你...
  • Simple Translator

    Press Ctrl key & select the texts, the extension will translate them to the target language. 按...
  • Tab Copy

    Copy all tabs to clipboard. No bells and whistles.Copies the tabs that are open in the window to the...
  • Simple Extension

    Let each website can save/switch cookies, switch User-AgentSwitch User-Agent Custom User-Agent Edito...
  • SimpleJI 密院选课网简化

    密西根学院选课网简化插件It is a Chrome extension to simplify the button of UM-SJTU JI course-chosen...
  • Simple Snake Game

    Classic Snake Game in Your Browser简单的贪吃蛇游戏: 想玩的时候就能玩的贪吃蛇游戏 源代码 https://git...
  • POE item English copy

    POE item information copy in English from Daum POE site.Daum Path of Exile (POE) 검색소에서 아이템을...
  • Simple proxy helper

    Set proxy for Google Chrome browserA simple proxy helper service
