xd 相关Chrome插件扩展crx下载推荐

  • FlxDbg

    Tool for analyzing all FlxOne apps and AppNexus pixels.This tool can be used for debugging all the A...
  • Qooxdoo Tools

    Extends the Developer Tools, adding a sidebar that displays the Qooxdoo data associated with the sel...
  • Xdebug Output Toggler

    Toggle Xdebug outputXdebug adds extremely useful stack traces to your PHP output but, once in awhile...
  • xdebug-devtools

    Visualize xdebug messages using chrome devtools.This extension plucks Xdebug errors from the DOM, an...
  • Xdebug helper

    Easy debugging, profiling and tracing extension for XdebugA must have for everyone thats debugging,...