Gmail Mouse Gestures Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 6

扩展ID: aaokajckoheafemlmjacklidohljgkgo

Use mouse gestures to browse mails even faster!Be more productive, save your time, use gestures! This was a Google Mail app (in labs). Unfortunately removed some days ago. So I remade it for us. Any advice and comments are welcome! 

Support me with 5 stars! :)

UPDATE 13/10/12: New version arrived! Major bugs fixed. Enjoy!

Need more help? Click!

p.s. If it's not working at first, don't give up! Try clearing your cache (Use CTRL+SHIFT+R hotkeys!) and restarting Chrome. That should do the trick. 

Usage: Press right mouse button then:
 - drag up: go to inbox*
 - drag left: newer mail** 
 - drag right: older mail**

* I know, this action should go to previous list, unfortunately it's impossible because annoying Chrome bug. :(
** Works only when you are reading a mail (watching a single list soon), because chrome bug. Sorry for that. Update comes soon.

Disclaimer: Works with Windows OS only!

Find me on twitter: @kisPocok
名称 Gmail Mouse Gestures
插件标识 aaokajckoheafemlmjacklidohljgkgo
平台 Chrome
评分 4.42
评分人数 78

作者 David
版本号 0.9.5
大小 110 KB
官网下载次数 2643
更新时间 2013-02-28 00:00:00
