Delete Social Media Posts, Photos, etc. Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于4年前 阅读数 29

扩展ID: aefggpbkeofepfhnjcndhfgmbkhodcdb

Delete Activity - Posts, Comments, Messages, Photos, VideosWith this extension you can mass delete Facebook(TM) posts, photos, messages and other activity.

*** You must set your facebook language to English for this extension to work ***

*** This extension will not work on classic layout! ***

There are 2 common issues that users experience when using this extension.  These issues are not caused by the extension and cannot be resolved by the extension.  If you have either these issues below, please follow the instructions for each issue, or contact us directly and we will be more than happy to help.

1. Problem - Extension says you have not purchased the extension even though you have - Full Version button does not disappear.  

1.a.  Resolution - User isn’t logged into chrome so the app doesn’t recognize it has been purchased.  Make sure you are logged into chrome as the user you used to purchase the extension.

1.b. Resolution - Some networks or ad blockers will  block access to the google licensing service.  This causes the app to never recognize the license.  Try using the extension from a different network and disabling ad blockers and other chrome extensions.

Problem 2. Facebook errors/cannot delete the post via the extension or manually. You may encounter certain activity that Facebook will not delete.  If you cannot manually delete the activity, then the extension will not be able to delete it either.  There is no resolution this issue.  It is an error on Facebook that is beyond the control of the extension.

*** This app is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Facebook(TM).  The use of the Facebook(TM) trade name or trademark is for identification, reference or descriptive purposes only and does not imply any association with Facebook(TM) or their product brand.***

Bulk deleting posts on Facebook(TM)has never been easier!  With this extension you can mass delete all of your Facebook(TM) history or select a specific year or year and month to delete.

Navigate to  Activity Log by clicking the down arrow next to the question mark icon in the top right of.  Click Activity Log.

You can start deleting directly from the Activity Log, or you can click a filter in the left menu to delete specific post types.

To delete  messages, browse to the Messages page, click the extension icon, the select the Messages toggle button.

- Added throttling
- Refresh page on facebook error

- Fix bug where photos were not deleted

- Additional work on delete popup

- handle delete popup

- works with new facebook layout

- Accommodate change to delete dropdown 

- Fixed bug loading [More Activity]

- Free for the month of January 2020!

- added throttling

- added delete specific activity

- added remove event invitation

- prevent page refresh if unable to delete post or reaction

- Extension is now language agnostic.  If you have issues with the extension not working, please email [email protected] and we will investigate the issue.
- Remove tags
- Activity Delete processes have be rewritten from the ground up.
- Removed logging to speed up the extension
- Changed the way additional activity is loaded to speed up extension

- Delete when available, otherwise, hide from timeline.  
- Handle popups quicker
- Remove console logging

- Updated extension to circumvent changes to delete procedure

- fixed mass photo delete

- fixed delete by date

- added refresh interval.  Users reported that the page was refreshing before older posts could be deleted.  The refresh interval allows for more time for the extension to scroll to older posts before refreshing

- fixed license not carrying over after refresh

- fixed notification bug showing complete when still running

- Update to fix only displaying first 5 posts for a given day

- Mass Delete Photos and Videos now available

- Mass Message Delete fixed

- Fixed unlike not erasing

- Full version unlocked for the month of September 2018

- intuitive ui

- Added  message deletion

- bugfix - delete by date not recognizing popup confirmation 

- Added delete by date
名称 Delete Social Media Posts, Photos, etc.
插件标识 aefggpbkeofepfhnjcndhfgmbkhodcdb
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 58

作者 Social Erase
版本号 3.0.9
大小 1.36 MB
官网下载次数 5000
分类 查看更多 交流沟通 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-10-12 00:00:00
