凯蒂猫壁纸 Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载
扩展ID: ahmckjenkndcgeoloppokcoofklocede
Hello Kitty 新标签壁纸,为 hello kitty 粉丝创建。将您的新标签替换为史诗般的 hello kitty 新标签壁纸。Instead of the gray background, sublime hd wallpapers will appear in hello kitty theme. hello kitty features: • Show current time and date automatically. • Auto-Hide widgets and wallpapers when your hello kitty new tab is open and idle. • Easy to use search widget always visible on the middle of the screen. • Sticky notes and countdown widgets. • With every new tab, you'll get sublime wallpapers of hello kitty to choose from. You can get a random wallpaper, or pick the ones you want. • Easy access to your local weather. • Add your own wallpapers. • Enable snow, rain drops, rain, slow motion animation in new tab. • Access 100+ of free games. • Quick access to your google apps. • Save your favorite sites to the theme shortcut panel hello kitty wallpapers new tab. You can go to important and frequently visited websites with just one click. • Quickly launch most visited websites. • Quick access to large selection themes. This hello kitty new tab was made by fans and is not officially endorsed by or has any relationship with another entity. We really wish you have fun using our awesome new tab & let your friends know so they can also enjoy it! Give your browser boost with a custom new tab!
名称 | 凯蒂猫壁纸 |
插件标识 | ahmckjenkndcgeoloppokcoofklocede |
平台 | Chrome |
评分 | 0 |
评分人数 | 14 |
插件主页 | |
作者 | |
版本号 | |
大小 | 37.02 KB |
官网下载次数 | 3000 |
下载地址 | |
更新时间 | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 |
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.
打开Chrome浏览器的扩展程序: 地址栏直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 即可进入,将右上角的【开发者模式】开启,重启chrome(重要操作),再次打开扩展程序管理界面,把下载的crx直接拖动进去即可完成安装,注意请更新最新版本的chrome.