RFCRestyle Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 36

扩展ID: babdjpjkdmdppnlgjlpgiknmbdblmdbd

Control the aesthetics and improve the navigability of HTML ietf.org RFC and Draft docs. Optional automatic redirects from TXT docs.This extension will be initiated when viewing a selection of ietf.org pages.

Although it's primary purpose is to restyle Drafts and RFCs in accordance with the user's preferences, it will also:
• Read HTML RFC and Draft pages and, from what it finds, create a Table of Contents (ToC) containing links to all page sections and place it in a fixed position at the top-right corner of the window. It's accessible by click, tap or the accesskey "T" (alt+T).
• Unearths a color coded legend present in all HTML RFC pages to make it more accessible by the addition of some new HTML, styling, and scripting. Its accesskey is "L" and can also be accessed with a click or tap.
• Optionally (disabled by default) automatically redirect from plain text RFCs and Drafts to their HTML versions.
• Optionally (enabled by default) automatically redirect from BCPs to the HTML versions of the source RFCs. Where a BCP is "...a concatenation of more than one RFC", the extension will redirect the active tab and create more as needed to open all respective RFCs.
· If the option is disabled, hyperlinks will be added to the BCP to assist manual navigation to the respective RFCs.
• Create hyperlinking to RFCs and BCPs indexed and referenced in RFC and BCP indexes found at "www.ietf.org/download/rfc-index.txt" and "www.ietf.org/rfc/bcp-index.txt" respectively.

The restyling is mostly color oriented but includes:
• Setting the monospace font to one of your choice from a selection of common or Google Web fonts. Due to the formatting of ietf.org RFC and Draft docs, a monospace font is essential for legibility.
• Optional (enabled by default) hiding of chunks of white space and "page separators" featured as headers and footers when printing the documents.
• An adjustable (from none to shampooed-and-blow-dried-puppy) fuzzy border around the text content to reduce tunnel vision when reading long documents.

• When viewing an ietf.org plain text or HTML RFC or Draft; left clicking the RFCRestyle extension icon will usher forth the options pop-up. This pop-up includes all the controls for setting the options using native Chrome form inputs. Changes to the options are saved automatically.
• Up to 5 separate, fully customisable profiles, each with its own unique settings, may be stored for immediate access. The last used profile will be used when next visiting an RFC or Draft. Changes made to the settings of one profile will not affect the settings in other profiles.
• Settings can be optionally (disabled by default) set to "sync" across all instances of Chrome the user is logged in to (if the user also has Chrome's sync enabled). Unlike all other settings, this is a global option that affects every profile; it's all-or-nothing! When unchecking the option, synced data will be cleared but the henceforth unsynchronised profiles will remain stored on the local machines previously synced.
· Learn more about Chrome sync: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/165139

• Due to the multiple changes made to the styling and structure of the affected documents; before printing any document, uncheck the "Restyle" option to temporarily revert to the document's default state, then re-enable the option when finished.

• All aspects of the extension have been built with accessibility in mind, and no features should be hard to use for anyone. Keyboard and mouse access has been well tested but touch screen access hasn't (although it should be fine).

• This extension does not collect or process any personal data or communicate its activity with any external application. Settings are stored locally or optionally synced. If the option to sync the settings to all instances of Chrome the user is logged in to is checked, the settings will be shared with other devices where the user has Chrome's sync enabled, opens Chrome and logs in to their account.

• The entire GNU GPL v3.0 licensed extension code and other files can be found on GitHub at https://github.com/FredGandt/RFCRestyle
• Change-Log from June 8, 2013 available at GitHub
名称 RFCRestyle
插件标识 babdjpjkdmdppnlgjlpgiknmbdblmdbd
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 20

作者 Fred Gandt
版本号 3.0.0
大小 22.75 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2020-11-19 00:00:00

