Dark Skin for Youtube™ Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 30

扩展ID: bfeknfgchonpnofdjokchhdhdnddhglm

Makes Youtube go dark-sideNOTE: You DON'T need this for the new YouTube design! There is a built-in dark theme now - click on your portrait top-right and there is an option for a dark theme.

The code is open-source on GitHub: https://github.com/georgyangelov/Dark-youtube-plugin-chrome . Please post any issues there. Everyone is welcome to contribute!

28.04.2017: v2.0.2
- Make the theme switch faster when loading the page.

27.04.2017: v2.0.0
- Initial support for the new (material) YouTube design which they have been A/B testing for a while

17.04.2017: v1.3.40
- Positions of like buttons are now directly updated from Github
- Themed experimental search box
- Small fixes

12.02.2017: v1.3.39
- Styled pages in Creator studio
- Fixed outlines in the "Recommended for You" search results insert
- Themed Youtube Live chat

Thanks to Dancanplay [https://github.com/Dancanplay]

18.12.2016: v1.3.38
- Fixed likes and dislikes
- Fixed verified badges
- Themed YT Gaming popup and shared videos

Thanks to Dancanplay [https://github.com/Dancanplay]

18.10.2016: v1.3.37:
- Fixed Trends label
- Fixed comment likes again

Thanks to Dancanplay [https://github.com/Dancanplay]

27.09.2016: v1.3.36:
- Styles for slider buttons
- Creator studio fixes (Video manager)
- Fixed likes/dislikes on comments
Thanks to: Noyloy [https://github.com/Noyloy], vuongggggg [https://github.com/vuongggggg], Dancanplay [https://github.com/Dancanplay]

27.08.2016: v1.3.35 - A lot of style fixes:
  - Comment writing
  - Copyright strike page
  - Separators on the History page
  - Notification button hover
  - Link color too dark
  - Adjusted tick boxes
  - Updated YT upload progress ui
  - Upload screen
  Huge thanks to @Dancanplay [https://github.com/Dancanplay], @NSDex [https://github.com/NSDex] and @vuongggggg [https://github.com/vuongggggg]

26.07.2016: v1.3.34 - Fix styles for the account settings, creator studio and watched video improvements. Thanks to @Dancanplay and @jontonsoup4

29.05.2016: v1.3.33 - Fix styles for:
  - The subscribe button
  - Comment reply form
  - Popup on first YouTube login
  - Subscribe options popup
  - Upload screen
  Thanks to @Dancanplay

02.05.2016: v1.3.32 - Fix style for language and country selector and the new video badge - @Dancanplay and @covertbert

04.04.2016: v1.3.31 - 	
Fix background color in the popout chat and the YouTube logo in narrow view - @MizardX

15.03.2016: v1.3.30 - Update comment styles for latest CSS name changes - @NSDex

17.02.2016: v1.3.29 - Format Playlist popups + icons, format top bar on user page. Theme Share / More on Video Player + few minor things - @link07

09.09.2015: v1.3.28 - Styles for buttons and other style fixes. - @link07, @NSDex

10.08.2015: v1.3.26 - Fixes for Livestream and AlienTube comments. -  @link07
05.08.2015: v1.3.25 - Fixes for comments and upload button. - @NSDex, @link07
08.03.2015: v1.3.24 - Fixes for in-page comments. - @NSDex
25.02.2015: v1.3.23 - Fix video titles. - @NSDex
15.01.2015: v1.3.22 - Fix header+description colors on the playlist page - @NSDex
09.11.2014: v1.3.21 - Fix links in video descriptions + various buttons, Fix related video text color, Fix the 'Add to' button sometimes not inverting. - @NSDex
28.08.2014: v1.3.19 - Fix inverted icons on the subscriptions page. + Fix for the new Details, Share, and Add To buttons. - @NSDex
15.05.2014: v1.3.18 - Fix for the white background under video titles.
As well as the white backgrounds in the descriptions of channel landing
page videos. - @NSDex
25.04.2014: v1.3.17 - Fixed broken layout due to YouTube changes. Thanks @NSDex
05.03.2014: v1.3.15 - Various style fixes and some minor color changes:
 * Fix dark colors for certain text in the title/description videos that are episodic.
Header and guide now have a slightly lighter background color (same
as the footer), like in the original layout
 * Fixed the color of the “Featured” tag
 * Fixed the color of the header text in the related videos columns when
viewing a video in a playlist
 * Fixed the color of the song metadata text in the description of
videos where a tagged song is detected.
 Thanks to @NSDex !

05.03.2014: v1.3.15 - Fixed the background of the playlist popover menu. Thanks @NSDex
01.03.2014: v1.3.14 - Fixed some white styles that YouTube changed/added. Thanks @NSDex
27.01.2014: v1.3.13 - Fixed the comments colors for some users. Thanks @NSDex
11.01.2014: v1.3.12 - Fixed a lot of styles. Thanks @NSDex!
15.11.2013: v1.3.11 - Fixed the comments, side panels and a lot of other styles. HUGE THANKS TO @NSDex on GitHub!
18.10.2013: v1.3.10 - Fixed white background on related videos and the dark text on the subscribe button - thanks to @nicu03 on GitHub
07.06.2013: v1.3.9 - Changed the background color to a lighter one
01.02.2013: v1.3.6 - Fixed the footer background color
25.01.2013: v1.3.5 - Fixed the background of the news feed
11.01.2013: v1.3.3 - Fixed button styles and branded page colors
13.12.2012: v1.3.2 - Fixed some icons
10.12.2012: v1.3.1 - Fixed the video title color
07.12.2012: v1.3.0 - Fixed the styles for the new redesign
24.06.2012: v1.2.5 - Fixed the style of the new Youtube design 
23.06.2012: v1.2.4 - Fixed some styles and the button state on browser start
10.04.2012: v1.2.3 - Fixed styles for the artist information page
06.04.2012: v1.2.2 - Bugfix when sometimes the button stops working
05.04.2012: v1.2.1 - Fixes some things that Youtube broke:
 - Header is now dark again
 - The description box
 - Add to menu is readable
 - Uploader names on the home page are visible
02.04.2012: v1.2 - Toggle button to switch between black and white skins
01.04.2012: v1.1 - Fixes the Youtube logo image, the messages page and some more contrast to the related videos
名称 Dark Skin for Youtube™
插件标识 bfeknfgchonpnofdjokchhdhdnddhglm
平台 Chrome
评分 4.36
评分人数 3514

作者 Georgy Angelov
版本号 2.0.2
大小 40.73 KB
官网下载次数 381817
更新时间 2017-08-31 00:00:00
