Currikula's Easy Reader Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于3年前 阅读数 68

扩展ID: bnmdeobpfmafpmpkldfknokgjjgakkfh

This extension is designed to assist in reading webpages and help people avoid mental fatigue when reading extensively.Currikula's Easy Reader is a Chrome extension designed to help people engage with text. Often reading on a screen can cause strain on the eyes and most of the time this is not perceptible to your consciousness. The only way you can tell is your inability to read long pieces of text after a while. This problem is particularly prevalent for those suffering from Dyslexia (which affects around 10% of the United Kingdom). 

** Features ** 

 - Reader Mode -

One of the ways to reduce this fatigue is to reduce the contrast between text and the screen. Currikula's easy reader provides an overlay to cover the screen offering several different colours for users to choose from. Further you can change the colour of the text so that it further reduces the contrast. 

- Speaker Mode - 
In order to maximise the ability for content to be taken in, our Speaker Mode allows users to have the webpage read out to them using a synthesised voice. Either this can be used as an aide backing up what you are reading or used as standalone tool. The Speaker Mode box in the bottom right hand corner is used to start, pause and stop (reset) the voice over. It also tells you how long it is going to take to read through at an average reading pace and how long it will take to speak through based on the settings you have set. 

- Chunks Vs All - 
Currikula's Easy Reader tries to make it easier get only the content you want. Therefore there is a setting that only allows the reader to read "chunks" these are what we might consider important pieces of text and skip the standardised reading of menus for example. You can toggle this on and off in the settings.
名称 Currikula's Easy Reader
插件标识 bnmdeobpfmafpmpkldfknokgjjgakkfh
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 The Ultimate Essay Guide
版本号 1.3
大小 56.28 KB
官网下载次数 265
分类 查看更多 无障碍辅助 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-06-20 00:00:00
