Slashy - Custom commands for Notion Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于1年前 阅读数 89

扩展ID: ccjlpkignaedigchcklcipfbecijllca

Record, draw, and create custom commands without leaving Notion.Slashy is a Chrome extension that lets you create custom commands for Notion. Make camera and audio recordings, draw, create reusable components and more without leaving Notion.

⚡️ Create your own Notion custom commands
📹 Make video and audio recordings without leaving Notion with /record
🖌️ Make drawings and annotations for your Notion page with /draw
✍️ Easily make commands for reusable blocks and content
🤖 Develop your own plugins with the Slashy SDK
🗄 Manage and edit your commands easily through the Notion sidebar
⚙️ Toggle command visibility and other settings
...and much more - all for free & no sign in needed!

Check out the get started guide 👉

Want to self-host, add new features to Slashy, or even make your own Notion extension? Feel free to check out the code on GitHub! 👉

Slashy is built and maintained by Alyssa X (
名称 Slashy - Custom commands for Notion
插件标识 ccjlpkignaedigchcklcipfbecijllca
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 7

版本号 1.0.4
大小 206 KB
官网下载次数 1000
更新时间 2022-06-02 00:00:00