Encrypto-Blog Reader Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 75

扩展ID: codjdpidpokicflnohcfdjfcanliipoe

Decryption extension for Google Chrome.For use in conjunction with:

- Decrypt easily messages shared with the "Encrypto-Blog Writer" extension
- No signing up required!
- Simple, quick and easy to use!

How to use:
Step 1: Get a password.
Your userID is in the settings page. Send this to whoever sent you encrypted messages and they'll give you a password for it! Simples!

Step 2: Decrypt a message.
Just copy and paste the encrypted message into the text area and click decrypt!
名称 Encrypto-Blog Reader
插件标识 codjdpidpokicflnohcfdjfcanliipoe
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 2

作者 Jamhead
版本号 1.4.1
大小 182 KB
官网下载次数 19
分类 查看更多 博客日志 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2013-07-07 00:00:00
