Phone number lookup - Caller ID Name, email Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: dchnkmhdblnaiihndhhdojngabogkdmo

Search any number using this extension.Phone number lookup-Caller Id extension helps to identify unknown phone numbers while you are browsing the web.

Phone number lookup- Caller ID: Name, Email, Location, and Details is a must-have tool to easily track all information about all phone numbers on all websites. 

Simple, Easy to use, anyone can easily find caller name, location and other details using this extension without leaving the web page which they are browsing.

Lookup or Search for any number details using this Caller Id extension, just tap on the icon in the address bar and enter the mobile or phone number you wish to search and view the details.

The extension would require the read and modify contents on web pages permission, to display information about phone numbers right next to them on all web pages, just tap on the "info" icon to know all about the number.
名称 Phone number lookup - Caller ID Name, email
插件标识 dchnkmhdblnaiihndhhdojngabogkdmo
平台 Chrome
评分 4.79
评分人数 14

作者 ankushkumar6666
版本号 1.1.6
大小 1.4 MB
官网下载次数 582
更新时间 2017-11-28 00:00:00
