Scroll To Top - Paid Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 31

扩展ID: dfnoeljkibnhapoalkffajcdchgbfaop

Scroll to top and vice versa in a window.This is the paid version of popular Scroll To Top extension you can find it here
Both are same extensions and both are/will be updated with same code base, this extension is created to get some money out of it. :)

Everyday scrolling on long pages can be a tiring experience specially on those sites which provides infinite scrolling (like facebook, twitter, Google+, etc). You will keep scrolling using your mouse to see more and more updates and then when you want to go up to the top of the page, you might move your hand from your mouse to keyboard to search for Home key or you will drag the scroll bar to the top.

Scroll To Top tries to minimize this effort by providing an intuitive icon at the bottom-right corner of each page so that with one click you will be at the top of the page with beautiful animation. No more searching for Home key on your keyboard and no more dragging of the scroll bar. It will be just fun and ergonomic to use it.

Official website:

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名称 Scroll To Top - Paid
插件标识 dfnoeljkibnhapoalkffajcdchgbfaop
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 Pratik Soni
版本号 4.5.2
大小 310 KB
官网下载次数 2
更新时间 2016-04-01 00:00:00