Companybook Insider Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 41

扩展ID: dganjjoefcfajjnkomfnjiehkbhhmnob

Add a panel containing insights about companies to your browser and GmailBe more effective and informed with the Companybook’s Insider plugin.

Get insights about companies inside your emails or from any website.
Support millions of domains.

No login required, one click install and you are good to go! 

** When browsing a website: just one click in the url bar to reveal information like contact details, social networks, decision makers, latest news, similar companies and more.

** In your Gmail: it automatically enriches the email with information about the sender’s Company.
名称 Companybook Insider
插件标识 dganjjoefcfajjnkomfnjiehkbhhmnob
平台 Chrome
评分 5
评分人数 7

作者 Companybook
版本号 1.0.4
大小 240 KB
官网下载次数 389
更新时间 2017-11-14 00:00:00