AdBlocker by Trustnav Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 19

扩展ID: dgbldpiollgaehnlegmfhioconikkjjh

Adblocker by Trustnav is the definitive adblock as it removes popups, annoying banners and video ads.AdBlocker is the fastest adblock extension available.

Use AdBlocker to get rid of banner ads, popup windows, video ads and stop advertising companies from tracking your moves online.

Surf the internet safely and ad-free with the most complete and lightweight adblock extension for Chrome!

Free AdBlocker blocks:
* Annoying Banners
* YouTube Ads
* Annoying Facebook Ads and Sponsored Stories
* Ad-network tracking
* Popups and Pop-unders
* Every kind of community reported as an annoying advertisement

AdBlocker is part of Trustnav Security Suite. Get complete protection for yourself and your family at

By installing AdBlocker you accept the following ToS and Privacy Policy:
名称 AdBlocker by Trustnav
插件标识 dgbldpiollgaehnlegmfhioconikkjjh
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 3096

作者 Trustnav
版本号 2.8.1
大小 1.06 MB
官网下载次数 800000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-05-08 00:00:00