Table-of-contents-crx Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 82

扩展ID: eeknhipceeelbgdbcmchicoaoalfdnhi

Creates an expandable Table-of-Contents on ANY web-page with headings== Starting ==
The extension's icon toggles the Table-of-Contents (ToC) of the current tab.

== Attributes ==
1) Makes much more easier the READING of ANY web-page with many headings like scientific-papers, law, spec, help, etc files, because creates their outline.
2) The Table-of-Contents is an EXPANDABLE-tree which helps navigating it.
3) TWO-WAY communication between ToC and webpage. By hovering a piece of text on the page, highlights in the toc-tree its position (with some exceptions!!!) and expands only its parent-nodes. Thus, we have the BIG-PICTURE of what we are reading.
4) You can change the WIDTH of ToC or webpage.

== Code ==
* Licence: GPL, MIT.
* Source-code: TableOfContents--git-repository @ GitHub
* WEB-PAGE of source-code|extension:

== Evolution ==
* My format ( creates a ToC on ANY browser.
* In 2010, I published my JAVA open-source HtmlMgr program  ( where I propose, for the first time, how we can create webpages that anyone can refer to any part of them and we can read easily.

== Acknowledgement ==
Many thanks to those I have studied their codes:
1) HTML5 Outliner by Dominykas Blyžė. I used his implementation of html5-outline-algorithm.
2)  for the expandable-tree code.
3) EasyReader extension of Anton Johansson
4) Chrome Outliner by
5) jQery-Splitter, Dave Methvin,
名称 Table-of-contents-crx
插件标识 eeknhipceeelbgdbcmchicoaoalfdnhi
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 25

作者 Kaseluris.Nikos.1959
版本号 2014.1.10.16
大小 93.94 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2014-01-10 00:00:00
