Live Pyro Reaction Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 33

扩展ID: ehbpidnopgpgcghgakiiiallielefonk

Listen to pyrocynical react liveThe extension requested by Pyrocynical himself(in this vid: ), live pyro reaction(the name is terrible I know). 

Simply click on the Pyrocynical icon and you will hear a random Pyrocynical quote from a current list of 69 quotes:

	"Do you smoke weed?",
	"Crying in the corner for.. 2 weeks straight",
	"This kid's going next level clearly",
	"This could actually be runners up for one of the saddest youtube videos i've ever watched",
	"You want to keep that out of public eye",
	"That alone is just amazing",
	"This cringe, it needs to be contained because it's just going to kill us all at this rate",
	"These names, they're so like, overly descriptive",
	"I can already feel the cringe building up in my body it's great",
	"I actually want to die, I want to die, kill me, please kill me",
	"Ah this is great, already 5 seconds in and i've got to bite my fists",
	"Congratulations, you played yourself",
	"This has been on so many different websites",
	"He is a meme",
	"Be sure to like that video",
	"I honestly don't understand",
	"It makes about as much sense as this [noises]",
	"(Impersonation) What? You let a paedophile into the studio?!",
	"I gave it an overall meme/10 IGN rating",
	"That was a sympathy like by the way, a like out of sympathy",
	"I present to you, the roasting of Pyrocynical",
	"Both should just be put to the electric chair",
	"There is no way i'm not going to make a video on you, let's be fair",
	"I'm being given death threats on the internet.. by kids",
	"Legally I can't call the police on him now",
	"No no, no more",
	"Guys I smoke tea but, i'm trying to come off it, I have my tea patches on my arm",
	"I'm not giving into the addiction",
	"He'll be smoking a literal teabag of weed",
	"Someone please make me a chrome extension where, they click on my face and it says various quotes that i've said"

-New in version 0.2-
	"Just take your existance and end it this evening m8",
	"So i'm still uhh still on guard, alert, still uhh still raised on that topic",
	"In other countries you've got wars raging on, people losing their homes, their lives, their money, everything. And in other countries you've just got some kid sitting on his computer",
	"Give me a small loan of a million dollars",
	"(Impersonation)No fun allowed",
	"Let people do what they want and if everyone's enjoying themselves then everyone's better off",
	"You need to sit down with a big peice of paper, titled your life, and just rethink it all m8",
	"It has reached the point where it hurts to wake up in the morning",
	"I'm actually really terrified",
	"There it is! There it is! Another one! Another one!",
	"Now I can't complain, I can't complain",
	"Much love, much love",
	"Oooh, ooh no, noooooo",
	"There's atleast an 100% chance I will lose my life if this continues",
	"Mum! Come look at this, come look at this"

-New in version 0.3-
	"I'm just a misunderstood 14 year old, just leave me alone guys",
	"(Impersonation) Don't let negativity bring you down, it not worth it. I hope you are okay",
	"No-one gives one m8",
	"Who is this person?",
	"My child has sexual fantasies about anthropomorphic turtles, please just kill me",
	"So congratulations you're not the bottom of the gene pool, you're just, incredible close to it",
	"What's that son? You've got crippling depression and you want to kill yourself? Just get some bubble liquid and you'll make everything better",
	"It's so bad",
	"But little did they know, pyro was the killer",
	"I do speak the ruski yes",
	"It's amazing how we haven't all killed ourselves yet",
	"It's about as depressing as it sounds honestly",
	"That is a pedo, that is a pedo, hiding in the bush with his loud speaker",
	"They seem way too overly enthusiastic",
	"I'm pretty sure I'd be put on drama alert if I did that, just saying",
	"Yeah looks like a blast you know, running around in circles",
	"I could be inside getting my double XP on Call of Duty",
	"I'm just a middle aged man in a park, filming kids",
	"You need the kazoo, if you can't take part in this episode, you're a fking fggt you should just go kill yourself",
	"I love to stab people on GTA online",
	"Ooh it's so good!",
	"Lalala follow me into the woods. Lalala don't tell your parents where you are. Lalala show me your penis",
	"You can just feel.. the pure alpha male .. radiating from this man"
名称 Live Pyro Reaction
插件标识 ehbpidnopgpgcghgakiiiallielefonk
平台 Chrome
评分 4.91
评分人数 3174

作者 JRApps
版本号 0.3
大小 4.23 MB
官网下载次数 12436
更新时间 2016-03-01 00:00:00