Tetration Scribe Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 13

扩展ID: eibfjejnajpfgabkflfceclldphaiocd

In place annotation editing extension for Tetration. Requires software version 2.3+Tetration Scribe places an Edit button next to the current value on all tables containing annotations.
Clicking the edit button will replace the text with a user editable input pre-populated with the current value. 

On submission an API call will be made to update the annotation in the backend
On error the UI will revert back to the original value and display a warning
On success a timer icon will be displayed next to the updated value
On reaching a 5 minute timeout, a success icon will replace the timer icon
名称 Tetration Scribe
插件标识 eibfjejnajpfgabkflfceclldphaiocd
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 3

作者 Tim Garner
版本号 1.0.4
大小 413 KB
官网下载次数 45
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2018-05-18 00:00:00

