FatBeagle Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 29

扩展ID: enmebdiokjodcejfakkiadnfijepfkmn

Bark! Help me find more URLs. Woof!Fat Beagle is a Chrome Extension that collects URLs being accessed while the user browses the Internet. It specifically looks for scripts, domains and asynchronous requests. Once those items are collected, they are saved within local storage and later sent in bulk to a remote web server.

Current supported collection methods:
- Manual submission via pop-up menu
- Automatic URL extract from web pages being browsed
- Automatic URL, host and IP address extraction from raw network requests
- Right-click context menu to submit links embedded in pages

Browsing websites produces hundreds of URLs, many of which may be of interest to security researchers. Collecting these URLs gives the researcher an advantage on potentially seeing new hosts or content that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Having a local toolset that's built into the browser is also helpful in events that an analyst finds something interesting and wants to preserve it for later investigation.

Users can configure Fat Beagle with a profile name, URL, token and private key for the a remote server. Additional options allow for the user to turn on or off specific extension capabilities.

- Does FatBeagle include personal information? 
No. This extension will only send network information to remote servers for which it is permitted.

- Can I run FatBeagle just for manual submissions? 
Yes. By default, FatBeagle is configured to only send data when the user explicitly forces it to be sent.

- Won't this generate a lot of noise? 
Without filters and pruning, yes it would. FatBeagle uses a simple state machine in order to identify hosts that appear at a higher frequency. These items are removed from submissions in order to not overwhelm our crawlers.

- Can I send ideas to improve this extension? 
Absolutely, submit a pull request or issues.
名称 FatBeagle
插件标识 enmebdiokjodcejfakkiadnfijepfkmn
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 Brandon Dixon
版本号 1.0.0
大小 197 KB
官网下载次数 25
分类 查看更多 生产效率 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2017-11-07 00:00:00

