Switch Direction Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 45

扩展ID: fldkjfjmcadcklboajlnclnfjpdopcce

Switch Direction in edits, useful for mixed RTL and LTR texts.A simple extension for switching direction on edits
useful for rtl, ltr mixed text editing.

This extension is open-source :)
Here is code of it: https://github.com/ebraminio/switchdirection/

== Version 0.6 ==
* Localization for Arabic and Hebrew (in addition to Persian)
* Supporting text inputs inside iframe

== Version 0.5 ==
* Adding support for content editables and GMail mail composer.

== Version 0.4 ==
* Adding Ctrl+Shift+X hotkey for Switch Direction, but it is not enabled by default
* Supporting file:/// scheme, but you must enable that on Chrome extension manager

== Version 0.3 ==
* Huge code cleanup
* Hidden character tools removed (I will create other addon for that)
* Options can applied instantly 
* Working well in https pages

== Version 0.2 ==
* Options menu added
* Switch direction added to the whole page (Must be enabled from options menu)
* Directional character insert buttons added and a button to show/hide them on the editing (Must be enabled from options menu)

== Version 0.1 ==
* Simple extension with direction switch on edits published
名称 Switch Direction
插件标识 fldkjfjmcadcklboajlnclnfjpdopcce
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 19

作者 ebraminio
版本号 0.6
大小 15.86 KB
官网下载次数 1000
分类 查看更多 博客日志 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2013-04-20 00:00:00