Test Observer - The Observatron Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

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扩展ID: gdiemnbjpblghfbejnbohdnnmodbknoe

The Observatron observes things in the browserThe Observatron supports Exploratory testing by taking screenshots and creating .mhtml files as you test. It also logs urls and form submissions. All logging is performed in your downloads folder so that you have control over the information. No information is sent to external servers.

Logging and screenshots saved when:

- when a page loads
- when a page updates
- when you double click on the page
- when you resize the page
- when you scroll through the page
- when you submit a form

All of the above can be switched on and off from the options.

All images are stored in your downloads folder so you can easily find them and see them being saved.

You can also save logs of: bugs, todos, questions, or any custom information. To do this:

- from the context menu choose "Take Note"
- in the dialog, write your note
- you will be asked if you want a screenshot with that
- the note and optional screenshot will be saved to your downloads

Notes take the format:

- "? question text to output as the note"
- "! description of the bug to output as the note"
- "- todo text to output"
- "@type text to output as custom type"

When you save a screenshot with the note screenshot it will have `_note_noteid` at the end of the filename. This can help you cross reference screenshots to notes, although the timestamping should mean that the screenshot is the next file saved after the note.

e.g. "obs_2019-02-20-11-32-57-314-screenshot-1201x1104_note_1550662375417.jpg"

This extension is open source.

Copyright 2019 Compendium Developments Ltd, Alan Richardson
名称 Test Observer - The Observatron
插件标识 gdiemnbjpblghfbejnbohdnnmodbknoe
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 0

作者 eviltesterapps
版本号 0.92
大小 28.92 KB
官网下载次数 36
分类 查看更多 web开发 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-03-01 00:00:00

