WordPress Plugins Search by Addendio Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 72

扩展ID: gpfibpiegfdahfjcncjnacnogamboepi

Better search for WordPress plugins while on WordPress.org. Shows related plugins and TRY NOW button.This extension replaces the default search for plugins on WordPress.org with the search engine from Addendio.com. With a single search you can find plugins on WordPress.org and Codecanyon. Use smart filters to fine tune your search based on your criteria like installs, ratings, language, etc. This extension also provides additional information about the plugin you are viewing, including related items and whether the plugin has a freemium model. Through the "TRY NOW" button you can also immediately test drive any plugin in the WordPress repository on a FREE sandbox.
名称 WordPress Plugins Search by Addendio
插件标识 gpfibpiegfdahfjcncjnacnogamboepi
平台 Chrome
评分 5
评分人数 6


作者 Addendio
版本号 0.1.0
大小 883 KB
官网下载次数 404
更新时间 2016-05-10 00:00:00
