AI Network Connect Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于1年前 阅读数 53

扩展ID: hbdheoebpgogdkagfojahleegjfkhkpl

Extension for AI NetworkAI Network Connect is a browser extension that allows you to manage account and computing resources on AI Network.

**Are you a developer?**
With few clicks, you can create development-optimized computing resource instances:
🧾 Over 50% cheaper than existing cloud services
💪 Powerful GPUs such as DGX-2, Titan V, 1080 Ti are available
⭐️ Various runtimes available: 13+ Development languages, 5+ Machine learning frameworks
🏖 Do instance control, and machine learning job anywhere via Shell and Jupyter Notebook

**Do you have any spare computers?**
Monetize by sharing computing resources for use by other users through the AI Network blockchain, designed for large-scale operations. It is used for high value-added software operations, as opposed to simple mining operations. which makes it more lucrative. The revenue generated can be checked through AI Network Connect.

**Connect to AI Network Blockchain**
With the private key stored locally on the browser, view AIN coins in your AI Network wallet, sign requests for any computing job on AI Network, or view the transaction history recorded in the blockchain.

**Beta version**
AI Network Connect is currently in its **Beta Version** operating on **AI Network Testnet**, and comes with AIN coins for a seamless beta experience. Beta versions of the AIN coin will not be transferred to the full version and mainnet, and exchanged with AIN coins purchased in exchanges.
名称 AI Network Connect
插件标识 hbdheoebpgogdkagfojahleegjfkhkpl
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 5

版本号 1.3.9
大小 2.45 MB
官网下载次数 201
更新时间 2022-03-24 00:00:00