Legendary Guides Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 58

扩展ID: hbicocpfhmeekmdflpocjmijhbklkmph

Top League of Legends Guides and Counters.Top League of Legends guides and counters from popular sources around the web.

Use different key and click combos to quickly search up your champs across the web. Want to use a site I haven't set up? Easy, use any site you want. Click help in-app for details on how (it's super easy). gg.

Update 3.0.1: Removed lolalytics link. Working on a fix for URLs that require capitalized and spaced champion names (Xin Zhao). (Why any site would require specific casing for a url to work is beyond me.)

Update 3.0: Big update.
- Right click champs to favorite them!
- You can now customize which websites your click + key presses open.
- Click help in the app, for help.
- Neeko and Sylas added.
- Aatrox, Akali, Irelia, Nunu arts updated.
Update 2.18: Pyke added! Finally!
Update 2.17: Added Zoe (now that I'll acknowledge her OP existence), added Kai'Sa. Updated Xin Zhao's artwork.
Update 2.16: Finally added Ornn. I should really just switch to an API. I use to be faster than Riot at adding champs. Not so much these days.
Update 2.15: Added Kayn, updated Urgot.
Update 2.14: Added Xayah and Rakan!
Update 2.13: Updated Galio and Warwick icons.
Update 2.12: Added Camille. (Better late than never, right?)
Update 2.11: Updated many icons (Yorick). "Minor text fixes".
Update 2.10:Added Kled and Ivern! Took me forever to get back to updating. Oops.
Update 2.9.0: Added: Taliyah (Finally). Updated icons for: Darius, Evelyn, Fiddlesticks, Irelia, Katarina, Kennen, Malzahar, Rammus, Swain, Warwick, Xin Zhao.
Update 2.8.0: Updated Taric's beautiful icon.
Update 2.7.9: Added Aurelion. Fixed Probuilds. Again.
Update 2.7.8: Added Jhin, fixed some url bugs.
Update 2.7.7: Fixed probuilds links, because I'm an idiot.
Update 2.7.6: Updated poppy's icon, for real this time?
Update 2.7.5: Updated Poppy's icon.
Update 2.7.4: Added Illaoi. Tentacle-time!
Update 2.7.2: Added kindred. (Now that their in-game portrait art exists)
Update 2.7.2: Updated gangplank and fiora icons. (Was secretly hoping they'd do some more updates to these >.>)
Update 2.7.1: Gangplank updated!
Update 2.7.0: Fixed several bugs, and a typo with Tahm Kench.
Update 2.6.8: Added Tahm Kench!
Update 2.6.8: Updated Anivia's Icon
Update 2.6.7: Added Ekko!
Update 2.6.6: Added Bard! Also fixed a bug with rek'sai links.
Update 2.6.5: Updated Tristana, added Champion.gg support (replacing solomid shortcut).
Update 2.6.4: Updated a few icons.
Update 2.6.3: uh, added reksai finally. derp. Too busy reking?
Update 2.6.1: UI got weird, fixed it.
Update 2.6: Added champion #120, Kalista!
Update 2.5.8: Updated Wukong's icon art. (Thank god. It needed it. No offense meant to our simian Peter Shepard.)
Update 2.5.8: Gragas and Graves icons updated!
Update 2.5.7: Another batch! 18 icons updated: Rumble, Shaco, Singed, Udyr, Jarvan, Rengar, Ahri, Blitzcrank, Ezreal, Janna, Kayle, Wukong, Shen, Talon, Tristana, Veigar, Zilean.
Update 2.5.6: Son of a gun, look at that! A batch of updated icons have been released. Updated: Sion, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin, and Cho'Gath.
Update 2.5.5: Viktor Icon Update. A smidge delayed as I wanted to see if there'd be another batch of updated icons.
Update 2.5.4: Updated Cassiopeia's icon.
Update 2.5.3: Updated Renekton and Orianna icons.
Update 2.5.2: Updated Akali icon.
Update 2.5.1: Vayne and Shyvana icons updated. What a day!
Update 2.5.0: I ruined mid-clicking. That's fixed now. Counter away.
Update 2.4.9: Fixed overflow issue.
Update 2.4.8: Added Azir.
Update 2.4.7: Added region selection. Because I'm an idiot and forgot it.
Update 2.4.6: Added summoner check support. (Currently OP.GG). just type, Enter, and go.
Update 2.4.5: Added Gnar. Adorable.
Update 2.4.4: Shen was disabled for some reason. Conspiracies are afoot.
Update 2.4.3: Fixed some incorrectly formatted tags.
Update 2.4.2: Added additional searchable tags (e.g. "adc", "mage", "fish", "lucy").
名称 Legendary Guides
插件标识 hbicocpfhmeekmdflpocjmijhbklkmph
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 25

作者 lumbearjack
版本号 3.0.1
大小 1.81 MB
官网下载次数 908
分类 查看更多 娱乐 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2019-02-25 00:00:00

