My Photo Tab Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载

 收录于6年前 阅读数 97

扩展ID: kmofbadmgolpibnjflbihlaecnhhaanb

See your social and other photos on your browser's new tab page.My Photo Tab (TM) allows you to see your social and other photos on your browser's new tab page.

This extension configures your new tab page to My Photo Tab. To view your photos and photos of you from Facebook, you must login using Facebook. All other users can take advantage of the site's gallery of high quality professional photos, which includes categories ranging from ancient ruins to wildlife to pop art to outer space. Non-Facebook users can sign-in to the site using Google+ or as Guest users. Users signing in through Facebook or Google+ or as Guest users have access to the site's high quality professional photo gallery, as well as a wide range of customization features, which include a large variety of backgrounds and personalizable buttons that link to popular websites. Alternatively, users can decide not to sign-in at all.  In this case, they will see random high quality professional photos displayed on their page. The page also provides for easy web search.

Importantly, My Photo Tab uses a proprietary algorithm to display randomized photos every time a user opens a new tab page, making each new tab page a unique experience.  No registration is required to use the site - and it's free. For more information, please see our End User License Agreement here:

Click "FREE" to install My Photo Tab.

Please read carefully: By clicking FREE and installing the My Photo Tab extension, I accept and agree to abide by the End User License Agreement: and Privacy Policy:
名称 My Photo Tab
插件标识 kmofbadmgolpibnjflbihlaecnhhaanb
平台 Chrome
评分 0
评分人数 5

作者 My Photo Tab
版本号 1.10.50
大小 35.37 KB
官网下载次数 673
分类 查看更多 相片 分类下的扩展插件
更新时间 2015-07-16 00:00:00